Home > Uncategorized > Top 5 Reasons to date short hair women

Top 5 Reasons to date short hair women

As a proud member of  the BWAMU (black women asain males unite) community alot of the post are stupid objective questions. Do Asians males really like black women or do you like African women? Do you like skinny/thin women or big girls. Do you like light skin or dark skin? Do you prefer pretty face or pretty body?

STUPID ASS QUESTIONS because these are questions that 50 percent are gonna say yay and the other 50% says nay and where does that get you? Is your confidence any better? Instead of asking people who really dont matter in your life how they feel about people like you give reasons why you’re are great in your stature.  Soooo in being inspired but dumb ass questions I decided to start a new segment I like to call Top 5 Reasons.   Here, anything goes from strictly serious to super silly.  Just have fun with whatever you want to ask. So to start it off  here are my 5 top reasons to date short hair women:


1. Hair appointments are shorter and cheaper.

So instead of  $70+ and waiting for 3-5 hours you only have to pay $60 or less and wait an hour or 2 max!

2. Worry free hair pulling and carasses!

You never have to worry about messing up the weave or asking if it’s real! You ever tried to run yo fingers through ya girl head and she snatch her head back faster than an indian giver trying cuz she’s trying to protect her 100%Indian hair? Got whip and backlash didn’t you?!

3. When it’s time to throw them blows you aint gotta wait for her to put her hair up.

Admit it, men you get yourselves  in some pretty fucked up situations and us loving, overprotective females be willing to fight anybody for you. Well you can witness that ass whooping in less than 60 seconds cuz I don’t need to find a rubber band or help to tie my hair up or back. I’m ready!

4. When it’s time to hit the club/party up you ain’t gotta to worry about being held up or holding up the line at security because rat tooth combs aren’t allowed, we have no need for those! You dont have to wait for us to get readywe use the same hair stuff you use. let me get that brush and oil shine when you finished. And guess what we can prolly give you a line up right after we hit up our edges lol!

5. You got hair in the sink, clogging it up? I didn’t think so. You got hair in your food? It aint mines! and if it is you can’t taste it besides that better than having red,black or blonde dental floss in your soup!

What other reasons can you come up with?! lol


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