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I.R.D = interracial dating learn your acronyms!



I am all for interracial relationships and I really dont think it is a secret. I tend to favor Asian men but I am open to all, I see beauty all across the color board and it doesn’t mean I shut down every black man that comes my way. I am fully aware that no matter the race men are men. Many may think that a different race treats you better then another but I will repeat. Men are MEN! Now will be a good time to add,  it was a blasian guy that gave me HPV and after learning about my miscarriage, dipped faster than strawberries in some chocolate lol S/O to Mr. P.T  and happy belated b-day!  And you thought only black men do that didn’t you?!  OK enought of the silly let’s get serious.


Black men and white women: We say its cool but only 20% of  us mean it. I would like to be a part of that 20% but there are times an dcircumstances when I am not with it and here is why. I can appreciate mixed couples but the reason why people date outside of their race is the issue. I admit there are some black men who grew up in suburban areas and went to school in suburabans areas and feel more confortbale in those situtaions/ surroundings and you are excuse because it is your comfort zone and what you genuinely know but everyone else?  Take the shades off and look me in the eyes! I’m going in. Black men who date women this is why I get so upset at you because if you are not the aforementioned brother you take the  dating scene waayyyyyy above call and duty. I’ve heard men date white women because they treat them better, because black women, done them wrong. I’ve heard because whote women have money and bail you out of jail. I’ve heard dating white women for pretty kids and status and to make htemselves feel better knowing they can get a white girl. It really gets me when black men date women, ONLY cuz comeon you know that is wrong and racist and truly loks bad on your self esteem truthfully. I get upset because often times  black men treat the white women (and other rces) 10x better than the treat their own. Here is a story I’ve witness a year ago.

So at the bus stop this black man is with a white women and he goes up to a black girl sitting down and asks her to move so the white lady could sit down. ( WTF?) So the girl scoots down and then the  eguys dusts off where the girl wastakes off his jacket then lays his jacket down and helps his friend sit down. Come the fuck on. When have a black man ever did that for a black woman? If he did he’d still be dating that black women. The problem is when people change up the whole game for other races that they didn’t do for their own especially the way they talk to them. Men wanna call us all kinds of bitches and hoes  but calls Cindy baby, sweety, love, darling.  I’ve witnessed black men be so quick to raise their voice at other black females but then Cindy could be all up in they face and they are quiet like a mouse.  Please slap Cindy like you would Booquinisha is all I’m saying. Dont complain about being mistreated by your own race when you treated another races 10x better. Dont act  like another races of women is superior and expect respect. What really makes me upset is when peple get into interracial relationships to be seen. It’s like saying look at me I’m dating a white woman or an Asian man or Latina/o. At a recent dinner at Texas Roadhouse a black guy with a white girl walked past a group of people and he actually stopped and looked back to see who was looking. My mom and I was looking and watching from the sidelines like this N’gine (nigga) is really looking for a reaction, which the group of white men did look but it was quick and they kept right on moving.  It is upsetting when people date outside their races to have pretty kids or to make thier parents upset or to experiment different “flavors”.  I can understand us ladies liking  anime, (sailor moon and Pokemon whoop whoop!) and sum KPop but come on changing ya  name to Nakumi Satsuma, and raiding Korea markets, trying to learn Jorean, Chinese, Mandarin,  Japanese and cosplays fetishes,  just to be notcied or make yorself more appealing to Asian men. Nah dont’ do it. Overloading yourself on a particular culture is so not cool and borderline desperate. Again I understand if Chinatown was where you were raised and it is the community/culture you grew up acclimating to then its ok because it’s genuine and not forced. Interracial dating is only beautiful when it is natural and genuine on both partners. it beautiful to not limit ourselves to just one particular group and being able to expand our  borders. It’s beautiful when we can open our mind and adapt to new conditions but faking it and forcing it is not.  Do I still cringe when I see a black man with a nother race? Not so much because some times it very natural and love is clearly there and other times, those times when I cringe, I can tell the dating is only for show and tell and that’s so elementary. Thats my take on interracial relationship what’s yours?


Until next time Dueces!

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